Tips For A Supercharged Morning Routine
Consistency is key.
Small changes, done consistently, yields big results. My #1 tip for anyone looking to make a change in their life is: Consistency. A good place to practice consistency is with your morning routine.
A good morning routine can lower stress & anxiety and set you up to have a positive and productive day. It allows you to feel more in control of your schedule, better able to prioritize your time, be more present, deliberate, proactive, and less reactive throughout your day. It cultivates resiliency so you’re better equipped to deal with whatever the day throws at you because you’re grounded and you feel good. You control the day, not the other way around.
ripple effect
Making positive changes in one area of your life tends to have a ripple effect and leads you to make positive changes in other areas of your life. Start with a consistent, positive morning routine and see what else changes for the better in your life: career, relationships, healthier eating habits, exercise routine, self-confidence - the sky is the limit.
start small
You don’t have to do all of these things every day. Focus on one or two things you can do to improve your morning routine and just be consistent. Build on them as you gain momentum and feel comfortable.